Acne in Teenagers, Beauty Talks, Teenagers

Acne can be Cruel

Acne can be Cruel

Acne can be Cruel

Acne is cruel. Ignoring signs of developing Acne can lead to permanent damage and longer healing time, which can become painful. Deal with Acne before this occurs. An active skin regime and keeping that Routine going is so important.

Acne in Teenagers

Acne can be an embarrassing skin disorder. It’s Often associated with teenagers and puberty. However, there are many causes of Acne, which can happen at any age.


Most adults are familiar with Acne, as so many of them have experienced it at some level. Most Acne’s textbook definitions explain it as a skin disorder that occurs when hair follicles. (All the pores on our face are part of a follicle) Follicles become plugged with dead skin cells and oil. That mixture of oil and cells allows the bacteria responsible for Acne, Propionibacterium acnes, to gather inside the follicle instead of remaining on the skin’s surface, where it usually sits without causing problems.


When the sebum and other clogged materials are exposed to the air, they turn black (a process called oxidation). Bacteria can grow in the blocked pores and produce an inflammation known as pimples. Most cases of Acne and pimples are caused by bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. Therefore, If there are pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads but no deep cysts, it’s called superficial Acne or acne vulgaris. Consequently, if the pimples go down deeper into the skin and there are cysts filled with pus, it’s called deeper Acne. If not treated right away, it can leave scars if not treated properly.

Stress and your general health can also cause breakouts, so keep those stress hormones down. Lifestyle factors like lack of sleep, poor nutrition, dehydration and smoking can have a significant impact on your skin. Ensure that you’re getting plenty of sleep at night and drinking plenty of water to hydrate and flush out your system for overall good health.


Choose the Correct Cleansing Routine

Cleansing correctly is the first step to getting clear-looking skin. Choose a gentle cleanser that will not disrupt your skin’s natural barrier.

Use a foam, gel, or oil cleanser that detoxifies and clarifies the skin.

Use the correct cleansers that remove dirt, oil, and impurities that clog pores. This ensures helping stop Acne before it starts and treat active Acne.

Cleansing at least twice a day will help treat Acne; keeping the pores as clean as possible will help break down and discourage bacteria from forming. This will also help the inflammation. Be sure not to use contaminated towels after workouts; always use a clean towel to pat your skin. When cleansing in a routine, cleanse twice a day. Always work the cleanser into and around the skin in a circular motion for at least 2 minutes. This allows the cleanser enough time to break through any residue and penetrate the pore area.


Choose the Correct Exfoliating Routine

Acne-prone skin sheds approximately four times the amount of dead skin cells as regular skin. Hence this dead skin clogs up the pores. Harsh exfoliating can make things worse. Using a gentle exfoliant more frequently can help lift the dead skin cells more effectively.

When exfoliating, use gentle exfoliants twice to three times a week. If the skin is sensitive, try Fleur De Mer Daily Mini Peel Powder, massage extremely gently or even leave it on so that the Salicylic Acid can peel away the top layer of your skin without any roughness. Rinse after about 1 minute. Healthier, soothed skin is not only noticeable but felt as well.

 Treating Spots and blemishes

It’s most important to keep an acne treatment on hand to fight outbreaks that pop up. Apply an Acne relief Serum, gently apply or pat one drop on affected areas at least four times a day and every few hours. Remember to apply only to flawless skin.

You can apply a spot treatment as soon as you see any signs of blemishes appear. An acne relief treatment will clear up the affected area and stop the desire to pop and play with a pimple. Popping pimples cause embarrassing inflammation of the site and can leave nasty scarring.