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Talk Collagen Structure Collagen & keratin give the skin its strength, waterproofing, & elasticity, Loss of collagen, cause wrinkles. 

In the young, it’s believed that the average collagen present between the dermis and the epidermis is 85%; this gives the skin its plumped smooth clarity of youth. Unfortunately, our collagen breaks down as we age and experience environmental factors.

Collagen is the main structural protein present in the skin. It gives tissues form, strength and firmness. Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies can no longer produce collagen at the same level as when we were younger.

Collagen comprises Tropocollagen woven protein fibres, all joined up like a chain. Hence, some describe it as a muscle structure made of a collagen fibre chain. Collagen looks like a linked Chain.

Collagen and keratin give the skin its strength, waterproofing, and elasticity. Additionally, loss of collagen causes wrinkles. Collagen production declines with age. Furthermore, the protein will become damaged by environmental pollution, such as smoking, sunlight, and other forms of oxidative stress.

Keep a good skin routine with Collagen Serum to ensure the best protection.

The sun directly contributes to the degradation of collagen in our skin. 

Hence, the less collagen in our skin, the more sagging, the more wrinkles, and the quicker the ageing.

You’re fighting collagen depletion by introducing collagen to the skin with peptides to stimulate collagen growth. Vitamin C, which is well known for its benefits in supporting collagen, together with the ”AntiOxidant value, work hand in hand to firm and strengthen the skin. Additionally, it will give a recognisable anti-ageing appearance and healthy skin glow.